Beautiful Glitch
Based in Barcelona, Spain
Founding date:
Year 20XX
Press / Business contact:
Monster Prom
Gran Vía Carles III,
46-48, Esc P, 5º 1ª
08028, Barcelona, Spain
+34 655 117 110
Beautiful Glitch is a videogames studio based in Barcelona. But our real HQ are the internetz. The mastermind behind the studio is Julián Quijano (production&design), but making games wouldn't be possible without the great talent of other individuals such as Elías Pereiras (programming), Arthur Tien (Art) and Cory O'Brien (Narrative). By combining the power rings of these 4 individuals, they can summon Earth's greatest power: A SEMI-FUNCTIONAL INDIE VIDEOGAME!
BEAUTIFUL GLITCH'S VISIONIt'd be kind of arrogant to state a clear vision even before releasing our first game, but we can ramble a bit about our point of view towards indie games. Our main focus is to create fine games without the geographical limitation. We seek for the most awesome talent around the globe to get shit done in the best way possible. But even if we go all in when adding value to our team and product, we're down to Earth people that always remember that "better done than perfect". We're sick of watching great teams with cool projects fail because idealistic goals, lack of structure and little to no weight on production. So when looking at potential projects, we try to find the middleground between awesomenes and viability: both are key ingredients to us.
OUR STATEMENTS WITH MONSTER PROMAside all that, each project is in its own way a piece of statement for us. Monster Prom reflects our opinion that indie games sometimes fail to have a fresh, neat and modern narrative, similar to what you can expect from fine TV shows. Don't get us wrong: there are some games that have superb narrative, but there's a specific tone (think of Rick&Morty, Archer or Scream Queens) that is rarely met in the videogame format. We want to be there. Then there is the postmodern and "wrong" tone we're trying to build. Videogames have some sort of double standard when it comes to what's a taboo. Violence is a common theme that is widely embraced. But sex, drugs and other themes are rarely seen and often critized. We want to tackle all this in a light parodic way. We want to make a game that can be enjoyed the same way you watch an episode of your favorite TV show.
There are currently no trailers available for Beautiful Glitch. Check back later for more or contact us for specific requests!
There are far more images available for Beautiful Glitch, but these are the ones we felt would be most useful to you. If you have specific requests, please do contact us!
Logo & Icon
Team & Repeating Collaborator
Julián Quijano
Business&Creative direction
Elías Pereiras
Arthur Tien
Maggie Herskowitz
Pixel Art
Cory O'Brien
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks